i have been avoiding posting while sheila got the sponsorship for the gala all worked out. i think she is still looking for 7 table sponsors and a bunch of silent auction items..hint..if anyone knows someone???
i have been giving a lot of thought to money over the past several weeks. mostly because we don't have any and are currently sucking on financial fumes to keep going. but honestly, this is a reality in rescue...good times, hard times all in the same year. summers are always the lean times..it has been that way since we started over a dozen years ago and unless we win the lottery it most likely year after year will continue.
here is my philosophy..money is simply a tool. we use it to pay the bills so we can continue to properly look after discarded senior and special needs animals.
but money in and of itself is virtually useless. it is paper, it is coins..it doesn't do anything worthwhile unless we use it to do something worthwhile..like feed a child, give medical care to a suffering dog, provide funding for cancer research, or grants to clean up the oceans or stave off global warming.
i can't even imagine what it would be like to be a gazillion dollars rich...to have everything i could possibly ever want immediately at my finger tips.
don't get me wrong..i could spend a ton of cash in the blink of an eye...more land to expand our farm animal sanctuary..more money to implement services to help people and pets stay together so the animals have the support that they need to stay in their homes, shit..building a whole new state of the art shelter for the unfortunate ones who still do become homeless. i would use the money to educate, advocate, to move us forward in our animal thinking and animal care.
but i can't imagine ever just being a self entitled rich person living my life like no one else ever matters.
and since i don't have a gazillion dollars...i use what i have instead..knowledge, experience, commitment, stamina, compassion...and utter respect for the creatures who share this planet.
really... that is worth far more to the animals in my care than a gazillion unused dollars collecting dust in a bank.
so i am going to quit wishing for pots of gold in the rainbow and be content with being poor. because poor people can have something that some rich folks forget they actually need...a purpose to make life matter.
boots is still being syringe fed but she is putting back on her lost weight.
miami is going thru another round of her chronic URI and is also being syringe fed.
little charlie went into a fantastic home with johanna but we will see him (and jimmy and lizzy) whenever johanna travels.
zoey had her second hormone injection today, hopefully this works. even i am a bit hesitant to attempt a hysterectomy on a sheep so fingers are crossed that we won't have to.
we are still struggling to get edith's diabetes under control. we are making some progress but still need to make more.
cindy while still refusing to leave her cage is looking more settled and content.
sailor bob still has diarrhea..it is looking like a chronic case of IBS.
aggie and stella have bladder infections and both are on meds.
oreo got his shave down, he looks much better..not so homeless!
diesel has another infected toe so he is on antibiotics too.
cheyenne has been quite haggy lately and i believe it stems from frustration that she is parapalegic. owen brought over a different wheelchair from the shop which works better for her in the house. we are trying to get her up in it for a couple of extra hours a day. hopefully she is happier with more freedom to move more easily...plus being up more may tire her out.
elvis made me get my hair cut...he kept getting himself tangled in it at night as he rubbed his face in my hair...having a freakoid min pin stuck in my hair pulled on my roots and it hurt!
everyone else is doing ok and i think that is pretty much all of the news.
anyway..we might not have a gazillion dollars but we do have some freaking great animals!!
Thanks for the updates....and I like your haircut.