Rescue Journal

peeing on someone's parade

Carol  ·  Aug 7, 2016

i may have mislead folks about oreo.
while oreo may have a "problem," oreo is not THE actual "problem".
in this regard he is quite similar to me.

oreo is quite content to wander thru life to the beat of his own drum. he is not hurting anyone. he is not insisting anyone follow him along, or forcing others to do things his way. he just wants to do his thing without being bugged.
oreo has a right to say..."don't touch me with that brush" he doesn't care if i brush myself or someone else as long as that brush is not directed at him. he also has a right to flip his lid when one of the other dogs bitches or snaps at him. he doesn't care if they snap at each other but they damn well better not snap at him.
but oreo doesn't go around looking for trouble, he is too busy doing his very own thing.
oreo is a reactionary...he reacts to things he doesn't like when they are directed at him.
so oreo's issue is he is reactive to things that are directly threatening to him.

i am kind of the same. i toodle around in my little world doing my own little things. but man do i ever become completely enraged by aggressive drivers bullying other or anyone else. i am on the road a lot...40,000 klicks every year. sometimes i am the victim of impatient, temper tantrum jackasses on wheels..sometimes i see others suffering the same.
we as humans know 4 things...patience, tolerance and respect are virtues, public roads have speed limit signs that are actually the law and not mere suggestions, speeding in 2000 pound vehicles kill many people every year, and believe it or not...public roads are SHARED..they do not belong to one freaking "hurry up" person.
sharing takes a bit of give and take and a little bit of grace from both drivers hands.

anyway, i can drive along happy as an oreo clam (in the right hand lane!) until some moron jacked up on too much dukes of hazard crosses my drivers path.
lets be clear when i drive the speed limit, i am following the law. i am not intentionally hurting someone, it is not my plan to screw up some impatient asses day. i am just trying to legally and safely get from point A to point B so i can complete my work for the day.

so like oreo...i react to aggression too but my aggressors happen to be humans. and it is those aggressive, angry, impatient, speeding humans who are THE problem that become A problem for me.

currently laddie is a problem for oreo because laddie has THE problem of aggressive impatience and bullying behavior. i watch the dogs constantly. i watch how they interact and how they choose to behave. today i watched laddie food guarding a human who he thought still had food. he leaned himself in close to her leg, he lowered his head til it was level with her knee, he gave oreo a minuscule lifted lip that visually impaired oreo just couldn't see. then he lunged and snapped at oreo thinking his aggression was justified, in his mind, oreo should have immediately backed away.. oreo thought it wasn't justified because he was doing nothing wrong and consequently lost his shit.
bottom line?....oreo was screaming and having a rage filled melt down because laddie was actually being a dick.

interestingly enough no one else saw it and thought oreo started it. why? because laddie is sneaky and quiet when he goes for the first snap, and once oreo starts screaming, laddie thinks he now has a god given right to to be even more of an asshat.

so here is the thing..if humans who know damn well how they are supposed to behave behind the wheel once they pass their drivers test, figure they can drive any damn way they like, even if it is against the i really surprised that laddie can't practice a little bit of patience, tolerance and adhere to the "don't be a freaking dick head dog" rule?

no i am not.

but rest assured i know who HAS a problem here and who IS a problem here.

there are those whose parades get peed on and those who pee on others parades.

in rescue living with multiple dogs,and in driving a car, we just have to understand the difference that pee makes.


pip van nispen

Don't know the dogs, but can relate to the feelings. Thanks for the life lessons Carol~pip


no injuries, they never connected with each other..i was right there.


Dealing with food agression is never fun =( At least with only 2 dogs, my boys can be seperated at feeding with no issue. Cant imagine trying to feed multiple (skinny) dogs in one room! Hope both Oreo and Laddie are scratch free after their tiff =)

Carol A.

so perfectly descriptive! well.. really well explained. It really is all about the per! ☺️


Poor Oreo. Weird how I always feel more responsible for the ones that come in through me.