Rescue Journal

teamwork in rescue.

Carol  ·  Oct 6, 2016

here is the thing about rescue...

it is not a tea party. it is difficult and stressful work.
people don't always understand what this means.
it doesn't mean that it is incredibly sad and heartbreaking. but sometimes it is.
and it doesn't mean that there aren't happily ever after stories because there are lot's of those too.

what it really means is we creatures that need food, water, shelter, comfort, medical care, companionship, kindness, dignity and respect.
and this takes work.
the work can be dedicated hands on care, it can be helping to support by participating in fundraising efforts, it can be transporting needy animals from point A to point B.
the work itself can be a lot of things.

now back to the thing about rescue..
while it is not a tea party, it is about alleviating suffering.
so it can be done like i do it, or it can be done by hosting or attending a pub night. it can be done by showing up every weekend and cleaning litter boxes or walking some dogs.
it can be done with sending out rescue newsletters or managing a website. it can be done by adopting or fostering and giving a homeless animal an awesome life.
what it is not about is politics, infighting, competition, ego boosting, power struggles, or a never ending series of heroic selfies.

we earn the privilege to participate in the many ways we can is not a right, it is not just something that anyone can walk into and in the blink of an eye be 'rescue."
and there really are no actual hero's in rescue..there is just what i can do, what you can do, what we can do.

and together we don't have the time or the energy for tea parties when the bedding needs washing, the rabbits need cleaning, the dogs need bathing or when the bills need paying.
we did not come to rescue as honored party guests....
we came here to serve.

we are blessed in this place of unwanted animals..we are blessed by their presence and we are blessed by each other.
i feel absolutely privileged to be doing this and doing it with all of you.
thank you!



And for us that are located too far away to volunteer - we send our prayers, our well wishes, our tears and a little money every month! Anything to help a little bit. . .

Lenore Henry

This is a wonderful post Carol. If it wasn’t for you allowing these animals to come to Saints we, as volunteers, wouldn’t know the love, the heartbreak and so many other feelings we have experienced there. There are so many good people at Saints with their hearts in the same place wanting to make a difference in an animal’s life and to lend a hand to you, who so selflessly gives your heart to all of them.


Good post, Carol. For my part, volunteering at Saints (over 5 years now) has been heartbreaking, uplifting, frustrating, sometimes discouraging, hard work - but always worthwhile. We still get back from the animals more than we put in, and there's a great team of selfless, devoted people. At the end of Sunday's volunteer shifts, it's wonderful to see all the animals clean, well fed, well loved and happy. We go home tired, dirty and knowing that we've made a very, very small difference in the lives of these so-deserving animals.


Why are you blogging at 1am? Did the loss of your pillow keep you up all night?