In 2010, Chief, Ebony and Sweet Pea were transferred to Saints. They were part of a huge SPCA cruelty seizure. Cats in crates and carriers had been stacked on top of each other in a dark, filthy garage. Urine and feces ran down the stacks into the crates below. 70 cats lived in this way, for years, until the SPCA found them. We dont know if these three knew each other, but they could likely hear each others cries of distress. Once at Saints, Chief and Ebony became inseparable best friends. In late 2010, Sweet Pea passed away, Ebony passed at the end of 2013. And last night we lost Chief. We can never make up for the hell they suffered through with that hoarder, but with us, at least for a few short years, these cats knew love. They had a life worth living. We will miss you Chief, and hopefully wherever you are, Ebony is there with you.
I will miss this sweet sweet boy. I enjoyed our chats, he told the best stories. RIP Chief our little love muffin.