Rescue Journal

saints foster mocha also passed away today.

Carol  ·  Dec. 15, 2016

Mocha came to Saints in March of 2015. He was a crotchety, blind old Siamese cat who did not want anything to do with anyone. One day, Heather came for a tour. She met Mocha, and something about him called to her. After multiple visits between the two, a bond was formed, and after moving into her heart, Mocha also moved into her home. Heather and Mocha spent almost exactly a year together. Mocha passed away suddenly last night. He leaves behind a huge hole in Heathers life, but we hope she can take solace in the fact that she gave Mocha a great last year of his life, a year in his very own home, loved and accepted for who he was. We are so sorry for your loss Heather. Thank you for loving Mocha as well as you did.



Mocha (despite being crochety) was a great cat. Great that he got to spend his last days with a caring individual who loved him. Sorry bout your loss Heather


)))HUGS((( to you Heather. Mocha had unconditional love....thank you.


So sorry to hear this Heather. Thank you for giving him a year of love.