Rescue Journal

Christmas Eve in SAINTS Land

Sheila  ·  Dec 24, 2016

It's Christmas Eve at SAINTS La d and everyone has been fed
Excitement floating in the air though they should be in bed

But they know something is happening and waiting is so hard
For a box as large as Sophie is sitting in the yard

The dogs all bark, the cats meow, the cows all loudly moo
The goats, sheep, and pigs, all want to see it too

The rabbits stare, the horses neigh, anticipation starts to grow
What's inside the package? They all want to know

So carefully the open it. What on earth could be inside?
Then out of the box like snowflakes in every shape and size

Falls a large pile of "Thank You's". Why it is their Christmas gift to you
To thank you all for the love you send and all the donations too!


Yes it is Christmas Eve in SAINTS Land and all is happy here
So from us to you Merry Christmas and the very best New Year


Lynne arnason

Awwww merry christmas to you carol and all the beautiful saints they have their Christmas present already it's their great life with you they r warm happy and loved and it's because you care and love them