Rescue Journal

happy days

Carol  ·  Jan 5, 2017

and heartbreak hotel.

ahh rescue...happy tears/sad tears all in one.

ruby went off to her new fabulous home a few days ago..she is doing really well. she was such a fun and great dog and i really miss her but we won't be getting her back because her new family totally adores her.

and our dear little elvis, the fragile, tiny stick man saint, found the home of his dreams today...broke my heart to see him go and yet it made my heart overflow to see how greatly loved and cherished he will be for all of his remaining days.

i blinked back selfish tears when he was gone and anne looked at me and said bitter/sweet.

but more than that, it is truly soul moving to know these innocent, homeless sweet dogs both found the very best homes of their dreams.


Anne Seward

Love the update on Chicklet. She so needed her own family. Thank you thank you thank you for taking her into your hearts!


Sweet Chicklet, soooo very happy you are loving your new family. Seeing your new bed and cuddle buddy made my heart smile. Thanks for the update.


Oh Chicklet......sounds like she is thoroughly enjoying wonderful....thanks for the amazing update, and the sweet picture.. Love it

Anita & Curtis

Chicklet' s "Training 101" skills has brought love, laughter and delight into her new home. She is out walking, enjoying car rides and helping out with her shopping at the Pet Stores. Watching her play in the snow, run up a flight of stairs, barking and chasing the crows brings us many smiles and laughs.

Linda Ciccozzi

I'm thrilled for Elvis.......he won't be falling over struggling to get up...anymore!🐾💕


Oh Elvis. has left the building! Erin and I were just talking about him on Monday, wishing he would find a home. Yay....and more good news re great ....