Rescue Journal

it is with great sadness...

Carol  ·  Jan 24, 2017

that all of the saints family offer our deepest condolences to lynne and her family on their loss.
john was an exceptional good and kind man. lynne, we are all so very sorry and send our thoughts and prayers to you and your family during this heartbreaking time.
we love you, take care.


alyson nerker

Just got back from Calgary to read this. Sorry Lynne. I did have the opportunity to meet John. What a wonderful person. Such a pleasure knowing him. Sorry Lynne.

Lynne arnason

Thankyou everyone he was a very sweet man who did welcome all my animals into our home Cassie misses him very much my life won't be the same without him


Im so very sorry for your loss my heart goes out to yiu and yiur family


So sorry Lynne for your loss. Please do reach out if you need anything.


Words seem so inadequate to express what my heart wishes to convey Lynne...So very sorry for your loss...thoughts and prayers and hugs from me to you. John was a good guy with a big heart and a great smile. I only met him a few times but immediately liked him. Take care...


Death is at once
The end of the body’s
Old journey
And the beginning of the soul’s
New journey.

Sri Chinmoy

So sorry for your heartbreaking loss Lynn


Dear Lynne, so sorry for your and your families loss.
John was a kind man, always stood by you and the many animals you both gave the gift of a loving home to.
BIG )))HUG(((

Lenore Henry

We are deeply sorry for your loss Lynne - our condolences to you and your family.

Owen and Lenore


Oh Lynne, so very sad to hear about John. I only met him a few times, but he seemed like a lovely man. Thinking of you and your family and hope in time you are comforted by your memories.


(HUG) So very sorry Lynne, my thoughts are with you and please reach out if there is anything I can do.


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss Lynne. We are all here for you for WHATEVER you need. Rest in Peace John.