Rescue Journal

kiwi passed away yesterday

Carol  ·  Jan 29, 2017

Kiwi was in foster care with helga, she was almost 20 yrs old. kiwi was an owner surrender and had a hard time adjusting to SAINTS. helga took pity on her and took her home.
rest in peace kiwi, and huge thx to helga for loving her and giving her a wonderful home.



Sorry to hear about another loss Helga. You have been such a great foster for many of these lost souls


Helga you are such an awesome foster care giver to so many.
Sorry for your loss……RIP Kiwi


So thankful for SAINTS and Helga for taking Kiwi in. Rest in peace Kiwi!


So sorry Helga...I'm sure Kiwi lived a very happy and loving life with you.