Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Mar 11, 2017

stella has had a couple of tough days again. she was unable to stand or walk. but the good news is the med adjustment is helping again, tonight she went outside on her own to pee and poop.

ella is settling in. she is a bit persnickety with people she doesn't know so we put her in a pen when there are visitors on site but the rest of the time she is doing great.

sailor bob had his neuter..yay..soon no more tom cat smell!

harry has recovered from his neuter so that is good news too. his testicular tumor did come back as cancer but it is one that is non aggressive and doesn't usually spread.

occasionally it is a bit dicey spaying and neutering seniors with pre-existing health issues. but we take our time, help them to get to a decent weight, stabilize them on meds and then they are usually ok for surgery.

finally we are making progress with maisie's diarrhea...not all the way there yet but certainly much better than when she came in.

airibelle had her chest xrays to see if her cancer has spread..i haven't gotten the results yet but will call in on monday because she still needs a dental and more tumors removed.

i ordered some Kevlar bite gloves on line today..hoping with those we can get oscar's eye drops in.

hope has recovered well from her abscess.

lovey has settled in here really well...such a very sweet cat!

summer had her knee lanced late last week so she is still having wound care done.

i think that is most of the news..or at least what i can remember!



Thanks for taking the time to include pictures of the animals with your updates!


Kevlar bite gloves, huh? Wow, learn something new every day, good luck with them :)


Love all you and everyone does for these precious animals.
The are so lovable :)
Thanks for the updates!!