
Diesel Selling the MP Room Upgrades...

Sheila  ·  Apr. 18, 2017

Part of SAINTS' responsibility to our saintly residents is to provide a healthy and safe physical environment. Doing upgrades isn't the most glamorous ask but it is a necessity. Click on the video and learn a little bit about curmudgeony Diesel and why Diesel would like your help and then click on the link below and donate ... for Diesel's sake

The Amazing Raise



Hi Chris & Karen. Thank you for the generous donation and for your ongoing support of SAINTS. Diesel also says thanks!

Chris Marcellus

Loved Diesel's story, we are regular donors and will be sending you a cheque for $1,000.00 we hope it helps. We encourage anyone who can help to do so. Chris & Karen


Hi Willie. You can use Canada Helps. Just leave a message that it is for the the Amazing Raise fundraiser and or the team you would like your donation to go to. Or you can mail in a check. Just go to the contact page to get the address.


Great video. Love it. However one thing was missed, I believe Diesel's favorite movie (they all love it) is Sound of Music. He hums along with it.


Brenda. The voice is a work friend of Shelley's I asked if he was English as his accent was so authentic and he isn't.

Brenda Mc

I love this's so good.....but who did Diesel's voice? Well done..