
The Amazing Raise Update

Sheila  ·  Apr 20, 2017

For those that are following our Race to Raise Funds here are our total
Team Barn $975
Team House $1170
Team MP Room $4105
Not Allocated $1635

Total $7885

me thinks we are going to have to do a video of Geezer and Bill 😀😀

The Amazing Raise

Please note that we are having a technical problem with the online total showing for the MP Room What is posted above is the accurate total.


Brenda Mc

It would be great to do a video for Team House......Geezer has a great face for film!


Hey guys I am a videographer and video editor and I think that the Diesel Video was super! If you need help and want to do one for Geezer and Bill, count me in to assist in any way! I'll be in the barn this coming Sunday.