Rescue Journal

day one is done...

Carol  ·  Jun 10, 2017

met lots of really nice animal loving folks!
including a super nice couple from kelowna who drove all the way here this morning and then drove all the way home after their tour (they had their own old senior dog who was missing them while they were here.)

i had to laugh at vinnie..he was playing ball with some very small boys out in the yard. he was in doggy heaven and they were in hysterics watching him carry around TWO toys in his mouth.
it was funny, it was cute, it was heart warming watching that old, wrecked and palliative dog having so much fun with small children.

who'd have thought that diesel would have been a grand master at the nose works demo??? that dog continues to surprise me..i thought he would be stubborn and uncooperative and he turned out to be a nose work champ!

i think all of us are exhausted, lots of people lots of tours. the dogs have already crashed for the night and i bet the other saints people will not be far behind..need to rebuild our stamina for tomorrow..hope it is just as great of a day as today.

but for now.....i REALLY need to find the advil and crawl into bed.


Paula. Mcleod

Thanks for all you do
On April 26
Sadly it was time to set my baby boy to rainbow bridge it still kills me today I miss him so much but it 16 1/2 years old I gave them a good life from the runt of the litter puppy he was when I first got him . He left behind a 10-year-old cocker spaniel poodle who is going in deep depression since his buddy has left and I need to find a companion for him so I'm looking for an older dog no specific age. Smaller in size would work well with my other dog

Just started the process of searching older dog rescues today and enjoyed what I have read on your place


Showing off how great these animals are to people who just Get It...I had fantastic people who loved meeting our Saints. How awesome is that?