Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Jul 9, 2017

we had a couple of university professors from Brock and York Universities visiting for the past several days. they are doing a research project on justice for animals and it's social impact. while they were conducting their interviews and collecting data, they kindly volunteered to lend a hand here each day. it was a great visit and i know a few dogs who are going to miss their extra special friends! we wish them the best on their continued research and hope they come back and visit again!

newby little bear (blind, little biter with not so great skin) from up north is settling in. also newbie who made the trip with him is a sweet and ancient cat named amber..she is settling in really well.
thx to jean and hubby for making the very long transport with them to the south!

the new rabbit area is almost ready for indoor painting and outdoor garden planting. will be looking for "super keen to be in on this exciting project" volunteers hopefully by next weekend.
i am pretty excited and i am super keen!!

buddy is going in to the vets tomorrow for a palliative consult..just want to make sure we have all of his bases comfortably covered during this final stage of living. i don't want to think about his leaving, just want to make sure his staying is as good as it can be.
love you buddy!

sage is going in with buddy for a re check..she is not great, but she is not bad either...just kind of gently coasting along....eating, drinking and purring.

charlotte's foot was pretty sore again this morning. i think the hand delivered birthday cake cheered her up immensely. all of the pigs had a nice big piece.

max and pepper potts have both found amazingly great homes. they are both still with us but will each be leaving over the next week or so.

both zander's and yogi bear's blood sugars are still out of whack. we are hoping with zander's antibiotics on board dealing with his infection that soon his blood sugars will stabilize. bear is having his insulin regime overhauled, switching from lantus to humulin N...hopefully he does better with it.

we have been working on improving our communication amongst us and putting in some better safety policies and equipment.

it is so weird looking back to where i started saints a dozen years ago to where we are kind of boggles my brain. oh least we know we are good at growing and moving forward.
who'd have thought we would have come so far...certainly not me!


shelagh f

not to be a downer on the garden, but it may not be the
best time to establish a new garden, with the hot weather
and water shortage


not sure brenda..he had quite a bit of vetting from his originating shelter..we haven't gotten him checked at our vets yet. hoping he will settle over the next week or so and not be so bitey stressy when we take him in.

Brenda Mc

I think Little Bear is quite sweet. Do you think he may have Cushings Carol? ...and Amber, the new kitty, is so pretty, and very friendly.
....and having 2 new volunteers for Sundays is exciting!! 😊
The more the better. Welcome Tracey and Andrea (who we are calling Andy), cuz we already have a special staff Andrea, and it's too confusing.


It was nice meeting Carol #2 (who brought Baxter in some time ago) and get some more info on his history today.