a lot has been happening here and i have been feeling a little low, plus i didn't want to bury sheila's posts as she organizes the upcoming gala.
soooo...not necessarily in chronological order...
the new bunny room is getting close to completion..i want to really thank vern and all of the staff and volunteers who pitched in. i still need to get working on the bunny garden, it will be fairly simple to start...seed for grass, the blueberry bushes and possibly some perennial daisy's to start it out. hopefully i can start working on it later this week on my next days off.
out in the barn yard...charlotte is still having a bit of trouble with her toe, summer is still having trouble with her knee and tonight emily is a bit lame and sore.
saints also welcomes...floppy,red hen, and crazy (chickens) rupert (donkey) and beanie and chewie (goats.) they along with their family (very special friends of mine for more than 30 yrs!) are evacuees from the wildfires and will be staying with us temporarily.
house and mp buildings..
maximillan was adopted into a great home.
pepper also found her true love family and she has moved into her perfect home.
buddy's blood work showed that besides cancer, he is also in end stage kidney disease. guess we won't do that ultrasound.
enok has officially joined the barn dogs...he really is a very good dog.
amber and little bear have settled in very well.
hyde still has GI issues but they are marginally better.
and saints also welcomes our newest little one...
timmy is a 3 month old kitten with several congenital defects involving his rear legs, lower spine, eyes, and mouth. he has a lot of trouble walking, he has a lot of trouble opening his mouth to eat, he has a lot of trouble with the nerves around his eyes and he can't close them properly. we are waiting for his blood work, all of these issues could be if his mother had FeLv. if timmy is FelV negative the plan is to send him to see a specialist in neurology.
i think that is pretty much everything to bring us back up to speed.
Thanks for the updates Carol. Hope you feel better❤️