Rescue Journal

the commitment

Carol  ·  Aug 15, 2017

i think there is something important to recognize about SAINTS...

what we do here, how we do it...why we do it has nothing to do with what gets tossed in our way.

it doesn't matter if the going gets tough, if sadness overwhelms us, if donations temporarily dry up.
it doesn't matter if it rains, it shines, in drought, in heat waves, in snow covered ground and frozen pipes.
it doesn't matter if there are staff sick calls or volunteers away on holidays, it doesn't matter if people regard us as heroes or voodoo dolls.
it doesn't matter if we are tired or insanely busy, or if everything that can possibly go wrong, goes wrong in a single day..if washers or dryers stop working, if the power goes out or the well goes dry or contaminated bags of grain feed launches grain mites loose in our shop. it doesn't even matter if one of our much loved animals has just broken our hearts...

we deal with whatever it is. we get our shit back together one way or another. we wipe our tears with our shirt sleeves, and go feed the animals dinner. we step up to the plate no matter what.

that is what makes us sustainable. that is what determines that we are here for the long haul.
this absolute, unshakeable, moment to moment commitment to the immediate and continued wellbeing of every single saints animal.

i am not saying that we are perfect, that we don't make mistakes...but we learn from those lessons even if it is the hard painful way.

we are not weenies, we do not crumble and sink to our knees, wailing that its all too hard....when the shit hits the fan here we problem solve solutions, we plan interventions, we find alternatives, we mickey mouse shit together with duct tape and bungies until help shows up.

and i tell you why we can do this...because we don't have a choice. the animals depend on us to figure it out and make it right.

the credo in rescue is..."its all about the animals" but this is not always is often about a lot of other things too.
but first and foremost, for us here at saints...whatever it is, we will deal with because we will not let it get in the way of taking care of the animals need each and every day.

we are not just commited...we absolutely love this freaking place and we won't let them down.
good days or bad days...we will be right here working away.



I love this. Perfect description of Saints. No matter what happens, we persevere. Last winter was a pretty true testament to that. So glad I get to be apart of something so rewarding <3


I love how you explained that. Never thought I could get through the losses but I know I have to remember about all the rest - we all have to be there for them. Thanks Carol 🌈❤️