Rescue Journal

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Carol  ·  Sept 1, 2017

ella had her vet visit, sutures and drains removed.

stella had her spay and mammary tumors removed today. she comes home tomorrow with sutures and drains.

squirt was in for xrays...waiting on the results.

little bear was back in for more tests...finally got a cushings positive but he still needs an ultrasound.

amber had her dental, she is home recovering.

new blind dog lego is settling in really well...newbies penny and betsy and arnold (2 mini chickens and goose) are settling in well too.

little tyke has been adopted into his very own especially great home.

sadly ex-saint beverly who became Eastridge Animal Hospital's much loved clinic cat, passed away this week from cancer. she had such a great home there and her clinic family is really missing her, she was one of a kind. rest in peace bev, and huge thx to the Eastridge folks for giving her such a loving home.


Brenda Mc

Glad to hear Squirt is being checked out....even tho I know how traumatic it is for him to see a vet. I've noticed he has not been eating as well, and hiding in his bed a lot more. He came to Saints soon after I started volunteering...over 10 years ago, and he's special to me. I hope he will be ok....sweet little boy.


not sure brenda..he has just been a bit "off" i will talk to the vets today re blood work/xray results