it was a really great night last evening at our gala. so many super kind, generous and supportive people gathered together to assist our saintly crew....i just want to cyber hug everyone and send out a huge heart felt thank you.
i also want to recognize all of the hard work, all of the attention to detail that pulled the event off so well. kudos to sheila and leila for spearheading the event and putting in so many hours and hours and days and weeks to make it a success. kudos to all of the people who helped them in any large or small way from donors to go-fers and anything inbetween. great thx to nat and annette for not only their professionalism in hosting/mc'ing but also their intrinsic grace in bringing us all together in those moments of caring and celebrating saints.
big thx to erin for animal sitting for the evening so i never worried for one single moment about what was happening at home.
and more big thx for all of the volunteers here saturday morning helping us get the animals well taken care of before we took off for the night.
it takes a village...or maybe an army but yesterday from the moment i opened my eyes until 1 am when i closed them again....saints animals past and present were safely held in literally hundreds of caring hands, hearts and minds!
Gee thanks guys!