Rescue Journal

saints foster chicklet has passed away

Carol  ·  Sept 26, 2017

Chicklet (and Charlie) came to SAINTS in January of 2016. Their previous family was overwhelmed, and just could no longer care for them. As two dogs already 13 and 14 years old, who both needed medical care, and neither had great housetraining habits, their options for finding a forever home were slim. Charlie found his forever home first, and he is still doing fine. Chicklet had to wait a bit longer, but she too landed the home of her dreams! Anita and Curtis fell in love with this sweet girl, they took her home, then they took her everywhere! Chicklet became a real traveler, she went camping, she went everywhere her people went. Chicklet passed away last Friday after a battle with a highly aggressive cancer. She will be missed terribly by her people, and by everyone else who has ever met her. We are very sorry for your loss Anita and Curtis, she was one of a kind. Special thanks to Eagle Hill Animal Hospital for your care of Chicklet.


Lydia Clair

Yes they definitely were loved from the moment they were born.
Words can't explain how missed they both are.
Thank You Alyson N :-)

Alyson N

It's nice to know Chicklet and Charlie were loved from day one. Chicklet was a Sainte on Earth, now she's a Sainte in Heaven <3

Lydia Clair

Thank you for the sweet letter from Charlie. Love him so much ❤️😘🐶

Lydia Clair

Thank you so much Penny, Sheryl and Johanna that means so much to me. Chicklet and Charlie were together their whole lives. Charlie is a year younger. They were so close. Thank you for your kind words. What I would give to be able to hold them in my arms again. Howl with them. Feel little Charlie's tongue lick my nose. Hug both of them and never let go. Thank you so much ❤️


From Charlie,

I am so sorry to hear of Chicklet's passing and I send my sympathy to his foster parents who gave him such a good home.

Chicklet was my brother in a previous life and we spent many happy years together From Charlie,

I am so sorry to hear of Chicklet's passing and I send my sympathy to his foster parents who gave him such good care at the end of his life. Even though we were not all that close, I still feel sad.

Chicklet was my brother in a previous life and we had many happy years together with our parents who we know loved us very much. In fact they loved us so much that found us a wonderful home at Saints when sadly due to life's circumstances they could not look after us any more.

Right now, I'm having a little holiday back at Saints with my new brother, Jimmy and my new sister Lizzy because my new mother had an accident and could not look after us for a couple of months. I've had a wonderful time with all the kind staff who take care of us so well and who take us to the memorial garden every afternoon. However I am really looking forward to going home at Thankgiving and can't wait for those walks along the seawall. Well, sometimes it's a walk and sometimes it's a buggy ride !!! Plus I love my nice warm bed in front of the fire.

Again RIP Chicklet. You were loved.

Charlie, Chicklet's brother in another life


Lydia, I'm sorry for your loss of both your pets. No judgement here, sometimes life just throws curve balls at you. But they both went on to find great homes and were happy again. That's the important part.

My sympathy to everybody who loved Chicklet.


Chicklet was a lucky girl to have so many people love her. Sympathies and hugs to Lydia and family, and Anita & Curtis. Chicklet was a sweetheart.

Lydia Clair

My heart is broken Chicklet. From the moment we had to say goodbye on January 30, 2016. I remember when I first saw you and brought you home you were only 8 weeks old. You were our first puppy ever. We fell in love with you. We had you till you were 14 years old. When we didn't have the finances to care for your medical needs. It was not fair to see you suffer. We could not bare that. We knew that you needed the help we couldn't give you. It was the hardest thing to do. But we love you so much. When I read this last night. I cried myself to sleep looking at all our pictures together. You have been truly loved your whole life. You will be forever missed. Your resting now. Lots of love my little Chicklet. My hearts broken. Love you so much 😘💕💔😪😔🐶

Initially when we got Chicklet & Charlie. My husband and I were both working full time. And we had no kids yet. Then we went down to one income with 2 children with special needs. It changed our finances dramatically. Plus the amount of time we had. We love them both so much. If we were rich we would have been able to cover the finances and help at home. But unfortunately we're not and we had to part. And our family lost two family members. 😪💔