Rescue Journal

SAINTS marching in...

Carol  ·  Dec 3, 2017

i was given a wee bit of a hint today that i need to amp up my blogging frequency. since it was the volunteers and since they work so hard here, i will try to share a little more. i told them it was their fault because no one comments much. but if the truth be told i am just getting lazy. there are thousands of blogs in the archives..i might be becoming bloggingly dry!
i read somewhere that the older you get the quieter you become...but i can't remember why, hopefully there is a good reason like wise people say less...and not that my communication brain cells are dying.

mel and pixie went off on a trial adoption today..their new little brother was not the least bit pleased to meet them and actively discouraged them from joining the family...we will wait and see if he changes his mind!

when nikko arrived, i had a really hard time. that cat was so unwell and in so much pain, it hurt me just to look at him...i wanted to quickly euthanize. but here we are a couple of weeks later, he is out of his cage, wandering around and feeling so much better. we haven't done much for him yet..he saw the vet, was diagnosed with a mouthful of rotten teeth, severe arthritis and significant kidney disease. we put him on antibiotics and pain meds while we decide if he can physically handle the dental. tonight he is sleeping on the bed, occasionally jumping down for a soft food snack.
and i am so very thankful that we said yes to this little old cat and he is no longer suffering outside in the cold and wet. he has a very sweet and gentle soul.

i did everything on my list today with some help from my friends. the barn feed freezers are moved, labelled and organized, making my shopping list for the feed run was super easy and fast and finally for the first time in will be accurate and not just an educated (and often incorrect) guess..i am pretty damn happy tonight!!
we finished today off with a board meeting, moving ahead and gathering some forward steam in organizing some of the background things...i am happy about that too!

once we were done, i had a snack and a nap and now i am feeling good.
i am not one to stagnate, i don't do well spinning my wheels, there are plans in my head to keep moving saints forward.
my real problem is..i am getting too old to work two full time jobs..i don't have the kind of keener energy that i used to have.
one more year until i retire from nursing, then a couple of more years of getting saints sorted out and fully set up.
after that i do not know...can't see that far into the future.

sheila and i were talking after the board meeting,,she remembers that dinky little trailer and middle aged me starting out on this life changing journey.
saints has become what it is today because of the incredible people who joined our ranks along the way..excuse my language but what we have accomplished in a dozen years is fucking amazing and i know the future is eagerly awaiting as saints marches forward.

(click twice on the photo to get the full many lovely souls helped by you.)



I'm an avid reader of the blog, too. Keep 'em coming! And as Dianne said, I don't know how you do it all either. I know you also have the very BEST volunteers/staff on hand to help you, too, which certainly helps. But - after a day's work, then chores at SAINTS you still manage to bash out such thoughtful, interesting, honest blogs. Thank you for all you do - every single day.

Dianne Aquilina

I always look forward to reading your blog. Thank you so much for sharing.
Happy to hear that retirement is near......I just don't know how you do it all. Thank you!

Brenda Mc

Thank you Carol.....I look forward to reading the blog daily.....always happy to hear updates or just your thoughts in general - wherever your head's at..
So happy for Mel and Pixie....sure hope "Bear" ( their little schnauzer ) decides having 2 sisters is wonderful.
The kitchen and computer room are sure emptying out.......I guess that won't last...always more waiting....especially this time of year. A sad fact....but what makes me happy is that those who end up at Saints are guaranteed comfy beds, good healthy food, clean fresh water, warmth from the outside elements, safety, the best health care from vets and staff, other "fur" friends, and most of all......loving hands and hearts to reach out and let them know they are special, and loved.
Oh.....and speaking of "special"....Squirt was out in the kitchen the whole time I was there yesterday.....haven't seen that in a long time... (instead of hiding in his crate). ❤️❤️ I scooped him up and he had to endure hugs and kisses for a bit.....but he still stayed out afterwards.
Well wanted more's that😊

Lenore Henry

See what a little “arm twisting” can do Carol - lol….great to read the blog. That is such good news about Mel and Pixie - hopefully they will be accepted into their new home and all three dogs will be good friends in no time.


Glad to hear it's working out for Nikko. He is a nice cat and it's wonderful that he feels better.

shelagh f

good for Mel and Pixie, hopefully the resident dog will
see how nice they are once he gets over his shock.
what colour is the mp room wood going to be painted?
(my vote is the red)


Oh good, Im glad Nikko is out and about! I cant even imagine how hard his life was just prior to you saying yes.