hey..it really does come in three's... blimey!
Carol · Dec. 5, 2017
haha! my christmas shopping is done. yay!
i did not finish all my pre-ordained chores today...i got sidetracked by a quick trip out to the cottage to check in on a couple of projects out there. oops..my bad. by the time i got home from the vets it was dark so instead of organizing the shop which i should have done... i finished my xmas shopping on line instead. i adopted an orangutan orphan for each of my kids and their families.
if you are having trouble finding the perfect gift for your grown up kids (esp if you suck at shopping for gifts!), check out the orangutan project or one of the other sponsorship giving type gifts on line (saints has those too!) i probably should have chosen saints...but since i live here, sometimes the saints gives me a headache and in all honesty... orangutans never do.
god is sick...looks like an upper resp. sometimes the new guys who haven't been well vaccinated over time, get sick when they enter a shelter. eventually their immune systems kick in but they need extra care and support until they get there. anyway, he is back in a cage and on monitering and meds. he is kind of pissed about that.
i got a bit pissy myself today when i found out that one of the dogs nipped someone and poppy got out and was in the driveway on the weekend...i was here and no one told me anything. not keeping me informed about stuff is a really good way to piss me off.. so just a reminder to everyone...if anything unusual happens or even almost happened, i need to know about it right away. new rule...tell carol EVERYTHING...(esp. pigs in the damn driveway!)
moving on...
shelagh did a great job starting on the mp room painting..more painting happening wednesday and thursday for those who missed out!
the three new old wrecked cats are cleared for dentals. we will wait until the early new year to get them all in the very best possible shape before they have to undergo surgery.
new sketchy, scaredy cat dog flying from up north on friday, shy has spent her entire 8 years living on a northern chain. and a pissy aggressive diabetic cat who hates everybody is also arriving on friday. oh freaking yay.
ok..day three of blogging in a row...wow. and now saved by the plaintive barking bell...zander is calling me!
Great news for orangutan lovers and those who want to help. Leif Cocks, the founder of the Organgutan Project is coming to town in January!!
January 15th - United Church in Langley ($15 ticket required. Funds go back to the org.) 9025 Glover Road.
January 16th - Vancouver Public Library (free).
He will be giving a talk and will have his book "Orangutans My Cousins, My Friends" available for purchase and signing!