Rescue Journal


Carol  ·  Jan 3, 2018

power went back off yesterday briefly but is back on all day today.
shyla had her spay surgery..good thing too she was just starting a uterine infection...whew dodged that bullet!
angel had her dental and most of her teeth removed. she is on good pain meds and should feel much better soon.
koji-bear puppy is moving into foster care with Sheila and Leila to help get him ready for adoption. I love him..get to splurge on baby nurturing so I am really going to miss him! means pogo and buddy can come back to bed with me without worrying about crazy puppies!
little bear had his repeat cushings test..awaiting results.
big bear had his needle biopsies..inconclusive so he needs to go back in for deep tissue biopsies.
Zoey has been moved into the medical far so good.
keats has been moved to my room with my dogs..shyla was stressing him out too much.

as of Jan 1/18 it is official...SAINTS is very pleased to announce that Renee is now the new manager of SAINTS and Erin is the new assistant manager. they will be taking on more and more things over time as we work towards saints transitioning towards my eventual retirement. (and no my departure is not imminent..we have a lot of work to do for me to get step at a time)


Lisa Wagner

It's great you have people you can trust to take on these very key roles at SAINTS. Wishing Renee success in her new role!


Also kudos to Sheila & Leila for taking on our blind puppy.... Koji will thrive in such a great foster home.


Congrats to Renee and the others posted you guys will be an awesome team and the SAINTS crew is so fortunate to have you guys .


Awesome news for Saints going forward. Both Renee & Erin bring a variety of great skills to the table, but mainly their love & care of the Saints crew. With them leading our hard working staff Saints animals are very well covered.


Congrats Renee and Erin!!! You will be a pretty bad ass management team :)

I'm sad there won't be any more puppy cuddles after the barn now tho :'(

Brenda Mc

Congrats to Renee and Erin....Saints is in "good hands and good hearts"❤❤ for the future.


Congrats Renee and Erin. You will make an excellent management team!


Carol, thanks for making sure all your efforts and work and love don't get lost and forgotten. Glad you will be around a while, really glad we will have more stories and tales from you.


Congratulations Renee and Erin. Wishing you success in your new roles.
Thanks for taking on this challenge.