Rescue Journal

Introducing Shooter! (by erin)

Carol  ·  Jan 18, 2018

He is a 10 year old puggle (though looks to be more beagle than pug ;)) His previous family is going through some rough times and could not seem to find a pet friendly rental. Shooter is a really great dog, he is a little out of sorts after losing his home, but he will settle in. He's very friendly, polite, and and talk about cute! Welcome to Saints Shooter, and don't worry. We commit for life.



The "no pets" rental issue is a real problem and I feel for the family who had to give up Shooter because of this. If anyone is interested in the fight for pet-friendly housing you can follow "Pets OK BC" on Facebook.

I'm sure glad Shooter found a soft and safe place to land at Saints.

Brenda Mc

Aaww..his eyes say it all. Welcome Shooter...sweet boy. Saints will hopefully help you to feel safe, and loved... in time. I'm looking forward to meeting you on Sunday.