bobby is settling in well.
coby has moved over to join the medical room cats.
mario and collin are visiting for a week while their family is on holiday.
samsam is out of his cage and doing well.
marcus is getting over his cold.
squirt has perked up a little bit. he and buddy are a cuddle bug pair now.
keats is to be closely supervised when outside with the other dogs. he thinks he is still a tough boy but the reality is... he is too elderly, frail and vulnerable now.
caishen had her tube and stitches out.
robbie is xpenned so he can't lick her healing incision. he is not happy about this.
little bear was moved back up into the laundry area which he likes better.
mystic has an ear infection which might be why she is acting weird.
but just in case we are still keeping shyla away from her.
balto has settled back in like he never left. no sign of anxiety and he is off the anxiety meds, we have put him back on pain meds tho because it looks like his arthritis is bugging him again.
i think that is all of the news.
Thanks for the updates Carol.
Squirt and Buddy are sometimes hard to tell apart when they are cuddled up sleeping together.. Glad they have each other for comfort...both these little boys have a special place in my heart. happy to hear Bobby is starting to realize he's safe and loved....❤️ looking forward to meeting him.