Rescue Journal

little buddy passed away.

Carol  ·  Jun 20, 2018

we have been watching him closely since he was diagnosed with probable bladder cancer. buddy was too old to go poking and prodding for something that could not be fixed so i was ok with the "probable" diagnosis..we didn't need irrefutable confirmation that his life was becoming at risk.
buddy was special to me, he was the much loved dog of a very ill friend. he was a difficult to manage skin dog which were one of my specialties and he was a little old fuzzy thing who reminded me of my long past stanley.
and.... buddy was sweet and kind and patient and forgiving.
when he first came to us, he slept in my bed with me and my own family dogs and then he went out into foster care with lynn, one of our most senior and trusted foster homes. but buddy's skin took a turn for the worse and he needed to come back for more intensive, daily care. unfortunately at that point daisy and zen had moved into my room and it was no longer safe for him in there. so buddy became a kitchen dog and instead of snuggling with me every night, he and squirt became best nap time friends. by the time daisy and zen were gone, squirt needed him more than i did so he stayed in there.
buddy is gone now...i can still see him racing me to bed..and i can also see him cuddled up closely with his very good friend. i remember him playing with toys and bouncing around outside more than i see his frail sliding confusion as he began his final end of life journey.

buddy was a great little dog with a heart and soul filled with gentle kindness and light. we won't forget him, he was a true saint and a good friend to all of us and we all loved him in return.
rip little buddy, you are greatly missed.



Thank you Carol...for this beautiful tribute to a special little boy.....I can remember when I'd take him for walks at Saints..He would be so happy, and just boot along; but as time went on he didn't respond to the sight of a leash with enthusiasm anymore and preferred his bed. Then I'd sit and cuddle him instead. I will miss him..❤....RIP Buddy.