Rescue Journal

holding the heart of saints

Carol  ·  Aug 30, 2018

a little bit of a tough day for me today..part of me sad, part of me glad...honestly, this life can so easily conflict you!

today i signed the final papers turning the ownership of the saints property over to saints. it is no longer my is saints property.
and by that i reality, while the society holds title, it is in guardianship for the animals which we serve.

the sadness comes from watching your dream grow bigger and eventually past you. it comes from a place of personal loss..i love this place, i have invested heart and soul here, i have taken a lot of truly impractical and somewhat insane risks to have this place for the animals...and i am really proud of how far it has come.

but i am happy too...saints and our animals own their own home. they are no longer dependent on my ability to pay the mortgage, on my health or even my life, to be able to continuing living here. saints has invested a lot of time and money in building this place, in making this an appropriate home for all of our various animals. it is time for ownership to shift.

and..maybe i am a bit nervous too...while i did not often play the "this is my property" was kind of a handy card to have!

lynne made me laugh today when she asked.."so does this mean we don't have to listen to you anymore?"...haha.. you wish!

anyway at this point nothing really changes..i am here and doing my job. eventually once saints can afford to pay for overnight staff i will move out to the cottage but that is a ways away yet.
and yes folks still do need to listen to me until the day comes when someone equally bossy takes my place!

but what i really want to say is...

Congratulations have come a long way and your future is looking great!!

WE are the village now, we all here are now equally holding the heart of SAINTS.



You will always be the heart of saints. You have given your soul for all the lost animals that truly would not have had a chance and for that I want to thank you I admire and respect you and I am glad to call you my friend if not for you I would never had my beautiful dogs that you entrusted to my care a thousand Thankyou for being the person you are

Lenore Henry

Carol, you have helped so many animals that have come under your wing…the frail, the broken and the forgotten, all given a second chance by your kindness. You are truly a remarkable human being with a heart of gold.


It takes an exceptional person to sign over a beautiful and valuable piece of property to the ongoing care of special needs animals, Carol. Even when you finally step aside, you will always be the beating heart of Saints.