At the end of September, God started losing weight. A vet visit and some tests revealed a thyroid problem. Well hell, easy fix, thats just meds. Fast forward to mid December, and God just doesnt seem right. Off to the vet again. A med adjustment and some pain control just in case something happened that we missed (this coincided with Trixies intake, she was in the kitchen until she tried to eat Tang). He seemed to perk up, was eating, thought we had turned a corner. Yesterday that was no longer the case. This time the vet did xrays, and found fluid in the chest cavity. Pleural efflusion its called. Bad. Transferred over to Langley emerg for the ultrasound guided test on the fluid, they xray again and find a mass in his lung. Really really bad. This plus the fluid means not fixable. No meds can help, can bump him back up to where he feels good enough to eat, to go about his business of being a cat.
It is hard to euthanize an animal. Its hard to make that choice, that decision that will end someone elses life. It is so critical to trust your vet. So that when your vet says you need to do this, you can do it knowing there is no other option. You hold them in those last moments, you cry, you kiss them, stroke them, whisper to them. You give them the very last gift we can give. And you let them go. But DAMN. It sucks.
We all struggled with the loss of God today, from pulling his med card from the binder to finding Conan sleeping in his spot on the top shelf. Godderick lived at SAINTS for one year, one month and one day. He was loved for every single one of those days.
He was loved. Godspeed good cat