On one of the many times the vets came out to assess Noni, they guesstimated her age. She came to us in June, at likely about 4 months old. Janette looked at the calendar and picked the perfect day to celebrate her birthday. Valentines Day. Looking at how far she has come is still humbling. None of us, and I mean not even one of us, back last summer would have said with any confidence that Noni would see her first birthday. Noni probably didnt think Noni would see her first birthday. Today Noni not just saw it, she celebrated it! She celebrated her very first birthday with a crown and cupcakes made by her very favourite person. The rest of us look on in wonder, this tiny sweet pig who has come so much further than we thought she could, who has this truly lovely bond with Janette, who has overcome enormous odds just to be with us today. Happy very first birthday Noni, we are so thankful we were able to offer you not just a life worth living, but a future with many birthdays ahead. Today marks the end of the two week trial period that begins with every Saints adoption for Whiskey and Laura. I had been in contact every couple of days in the first week to help smooth over the transition for Whiskey, it had been going so well I wasnt concerned that I hadnt heard anything this last week. This morning I emailed Laura going over the options should she wish to continue with finalizing the adoption, or extend the trial period if she just wasnt sure, or we could accept Whiskey back into our care (which I didnt really think was going to happen, but as you know, its a standing offer for all Saints). I cant even explain how beautiful her reply was, so I am just going to copy and paste it here. From Laura:

Oh...thank you Erin for these 2 happy updates... just made Valentines Day special for me...Love the pic of Noni in her birthday hat...and yay for Whiskey...💕