Rescue Journal

shyla as an onion is up for adoption

Carol  ·  Mar 2, 2019

onions are my favorite analogy for pretty much everything. i used it not too long ago at a conference as an example: pet overpopulation being the whole and all the contributating factors (poverty. culture, available resources etc) as being the various layers (but still an onion too.)

so today i am using the onion analogy to describe shyla.
shyla as we see her and know her is the whole onion but she has many layers too.
here are the contributing factors:
layer one...whoever bred a husky to a border collie was astronomically stupid! i remember from science class that if you added 2 positives together you got a negative...hah shyla in a nutshell.
husky's are smart, fantastically athletic, big thinkers and problem solvers in their own right and border collies while totally different in many ways... in these particular respects are exactly the same.
breed one of each of these greatly positive dogs together and you get shyla...a hyper anxious neurotic genius!
layer 2...shyla chained to a dog house for most of her life. oh freaking yay..plenty of time for her to feel frustrated, fearful, anxious and problem solve all sorts of not very good solutions.
layer 3..force breed an already shy, anxious, fearful and powerless dog and keep her chained while she is stuck and unable to escape from 3 consecutive litters of lets not be surprised that she totally hates any and all puppies and thinks they should die.
layer 4..don't feed her enough, keep her thin..she thinks she is starving and now all food belongs to her and she is not willing to share.

and then there are the layers of shyla herself...shyla is the whole onion with multiple layers of not so great shyla stuff.
layer 1 is the aggressive dog who wants to charge at people she doesn't know well and bite them if she can, (she is not allowed to and in her defense she does use her front teeth and has decent bite inhibition to prevent breaking the skin)
layer 2 is the under socialized bully who sucks at making k9 friends and totally goes freaking ape-shit if she thinks they are anywhere near walking past her window!
layer 3 is the fearful/terrified dog who cowers or runs at unexpected noises or movements or if she gets yelled at when she is doing something really screaming at rocket or vinny and scaring the crap out of them when they are sleeping!
layer 4 is the master manipulator who with a delightful yet devilish twinkle in her eye intentionally acts submissively sweet to get you to laugh and play with her.
layer 5 is the sneaky trickster who steals your shoes off your feet and lays on them to prevent you from leaving the room.
and finally the core of this adorably smart, funny, sweet, freaking jerk who totally and completely worships the ground you walk on...and i bet she is manipulating me in this regard too!

all 6 layers are shyla thru and onion in all of her glory.
as you peel away the layers, your eyes will sting and tears will flow but her overpowering essence adds some weird kind of intoxicating rich flavor forced down your throat and deep into your soul.

a total freaking nutcase..... very well loved but geez i wish she would get a very great home... somewhere else!



Describes Shyla perfectly but she sure kbows how to steal your heart