Rescue Journal

How many Saints have YOU taken home?

Erin  ·  Apr. 6, 2019

Ok staff, volunteers, repeat adopters, how many Saints have you given a forever home to? How many perfect, wonderful, beautiful souls have won over your heart and your home?

Eight. I've had eight over the years. I think this is year 9 that I have been involved with SAINTS, pretty sure I started working here in 2012 and I know I volunteered for a few years prior to Carol hiring me. What an incredible place this is! How lucky we all are to be a part of it ❤️

Comment away!



We had the honor of being entrusted with the care of these guys . They each had a story that touched our hearts and left a memory that will remain. Fat little butterball KatieDiddy, cranky Callie and The Babe a snowflake in your hand too short a time.


Ok you guys lookit
Laura 15
Jamie 11
Lynne 10
Dawne 10
Erin 8
Shelagh 7
Tammy 7
Carol Ann 6
Helga 5
Arnie 3
Renee 3
Brenda 2
Owen and Lenore 1
According to my calculations that makes 88! Holy shit! And thats just from you few who commented!


Wow, all these high numbers!...Amazing...
But just 2 Saints "gifts" for me so far....
My Mac..a little 17 yr old boy who first stole my heart.
and presently Trooper (Eddie)... the "would have been paraplegic" cocker who, because of Saints, now runs and romps with joy thru my home and heart daily.
Probably would have been more Saints dogs, ..but I also have 2 cocker girls who are now seniors as well. 🐾🐾❤

Lenore Henry

Our sweet and beautiful SAINTS Emma - we only had two years with her, never long enough, but very special ones with wonderful memories ❤️❤️..


I have taken home 7. Polly, Ginger, Olivia, Sam, Johnny, Emma and Frankie. However I do consider the number to be 8 because, although he was never a SAINT, my boy Ripley (who turned 7 just yesterday) came to me as a direct result of a vet run for SAINTS. If it weren't for that vet visit with Herman the pot bellied pig I never would have known of
Ripley's existence. And I would have missed the last 7 years of his amazing company.


3 for me. The very first time I set foot on saints property I left with Legend and Nova, two beautiful Goldens. More recently Jack, a smooth fox terrier.
They have all passed on and we're missing them all right now.


My current foster Pearl makes 10 thru Saints...there were many more before I started fostering here in 2008.

True, Miles, Estee, Cruz, Gracie, Papa John, Trudy, Mumford and Tristie.

I've been so lucky to know them all.


Pearl makes 10 for me...

I've been so lucky to share time with all of the..

True, Miles, Estee, Cruz, Gracie, Papa John, Trudy, Mumford and Tristie.


I've taken home three animals, and currently still have Mac the cat. It would be more if I didn't have a pet restriction at my place!

Carol Lorraine

Harold, Sweetie, Eli, Angus ,Charley,and Sweetie Pie who is still going strong at around 20 yrs of age. All wonderful dogs . I wish they could have all stayed longer.


I had: Kiwi, The Babe, Callie, Millie and Katie for sure. Can't remember anyone else right now.


Come on everyone lets see this total rise and show why Saints has the most amazing staff and volunteers. Over the years you forget how many animals have found homes. My number is 15, 7 cats- 2 still with me and 8 dogs-1 still with me. So with Erin 8, Jamie 13, Lynne 10 and my 15 we are already at an astonishing 46!!!

shelagh f

I am at seven. I include my first old fart Patches, he came from
Chilliwack spca, we fostered him over Christmas because who was
going to adopt him from out there, ancient, kind of blind and deaf
and a bad
heart. Ivanna said he was going to Saints if i didn't want him, so
we just kept him.
Molly, quiet and sat in closet in bed buddy room. don't think she
was at Saints long. bad heart and lungs. then Theya, she was
ancient, and she and Molly got along well. when Molly died, i took
in Dora, she sat in the closet too, in bed buddy room. anything but
quiet, definitely should have been an only child. didn't let her heart
condition slow her down. after theya, we took home Magee, who
blind and deaf, was a sweetheart here. Took Missy the cat, declawed,
old and fat, to be a friend to my old cat. They are not friends, but
they have come to an agreement, of sorts. She still lives upstairs,
and she is happy. Lastly, one eyed Flora, she didn't make too waves in her
time in the kitchen, but is a real pistol. she sleeps a lot, but when
awake, she trolls the house for cat poop in the litter boxes, cat food,
and has her alarm set for 0600 almost every day. She will bark until
she get her way, she has selective hearing. My friends think I'm nuts.