Rescue Journal

Volunteer week

Erin  ·  Apr 13, 2019

On this, the last day of national volunteer week, we thank you. Each and every one of you who dedicates time to improve the lives of our Saints, we thank you. You don't do it for the recognition. You don't do it for the glory. You do it because one hour at a time you are making the world a better place.

One of my favourite SAINTS memories is from my second or third shift. I had just finished cleaning in the rabbit room (back when it was in the mp building) and this woman sticks her head in the door and says Hey! Are you done in here or what? I said yes, I just finished. She says OK, get your ass in house then, I am by myself today and I can't do it all my goddamn self!

Yes ma'am!

Can you guess who the mystery woman was?

What is one of your favourite SAINTS volunteer memories?



Hey it wasn’t me I remember the first day I came to saints I told them I don’t clean up dog poop guess what I’m doing now


OMG! As soon as I finish writing this I am going to get involved! Just watch! Hey, it's not because of the "potty talk" (although I must admit, you gals made me laugh out loud)... I am a volunteer in need of a cause at the moment and I think I just found it. I'm sure I'd fit right in because, like Carol, I love it when my "heart" has reason to "sing", I love that Lenore put her own personal safety second only to making sure the Timbits didn't land on the ground and, finally, yes, Laura, I too have been known to experience "laughter down my leg."

What an inspiration you are! As SAINT care-givers, by definition, you're ALL angels.

As soon as I "hit send" my sister and I are going to make arrangements to pay you folks a visit and apply to volunteer.


one of my most favorite memories...25 or so men, women and children with a giant tarp literally carrying jeanette, our 20 year old, downed cow across the entire upper field so she could lay safely and comfortably on the soft covered ground of the riding ring. that image still makes my heart sing.

Lenore Henry

One of my favourite SAINTS volunteers memories is of Kassa Blanka, the beautiful Great Dane who lived at Saints for a few years. She was a real character and loved to cuddle and had a habit of sitting on anyone who sat on the couch in the computer room not really knowing her size and strength. One Sunday morning, I came through the gate into the yard with a box of Timbits in hand and for some reason she was extra “bouncy” that morning as she ran towards me for kisses. At that time there was some plastic fencing on one side of the sidewalk and the next thing I knew she had knocked me down across the fencing on my back and laid on top of me, which seemed like an eternity BUT I still managed to keep the box of Timbits upright (don’t ask me how). The next thing I heard was “It’s a good job those Timbits are still in one piece” (no names mentioned!!). I think Owen coaxed Kassa off of me and we all had a good laugh, at my expense - ha ha. I miss that girl - she was a real doll.


Definatley Lynne love u lots Lynne.

I remember letting the sheep out when we had little Bo and peep..they would bounce and jump and 1 of them jumped me from behind and actually pulled down my pants..if neighbours were watching they probably had a good laugh.


The mystery volunteer?...definitely Lynne. I bet a few people thought it might have been me!...nope.
My memory goes back quite a few years. It was the annual Open House at Saints, and I had come in early to do cleaning in the house. Just before tours were starting I changed my clothes and got cleaned up...ready to greet people coming thru the kitchen and computer room. I decided to do one more quick check in all the rooms to make sure everything was clean and inviting. In the back cat room, I noticed Dixie Chick (feral cat) sitting in her favourite spot- top shelf in the open closet. She jumped down just as I came in...and I decided I should check that area... reaching up and pulling down the mat that was there for her comfort. As I tipped it, I looked up, and all of a sudden a waterfall of fresh urine landed on my head and face. Omg...
I had no time to wash my haïr, so grabbed a face cloth and towel...cleaned up as best I could, and then sprayed Febreeze all over my head. I don't think anyone noticed, but I can tell you...Febreeze does not mask the smell of urine.
That is one memory I will never forget!....I was definitely not clean, or inviting.
We seem to be on a "pee" theme here.🐾🐾🐾


Actually I just recalled KO was also involved in this fiasco too...I see a trend with KO and pee stories lol. Also from this event came one of many famous Carol quotes " that's just laughter running down your leg"


My guess is Lynne...luv you Lynne. As for favourite memory...after so many years lots to choose from but since Ali started the pissing pants theme. My memory is from many years ago and involved myself, Carol and one stubborn little goat...Edith. One evening putting barn guys to bed we should have had a video....Carol and I running all over the place it became so ridiculous that I literally peed my pants from laughing so hard. Edith was a character and if she could talk would have said " you 2 are useless" I think Saints needs to supply Depends to its volunteers. It is such a blessing to be a part of such a great organization....Saints is good for the soul!!!


Hands down DeeDee horking in KO’s face. I literally pissed myself laughing 😂😂