Every year we make sure the SAINTS residents presence is felt at our fundraiser. Every year we have succeeded in having every animal receive $25 sponsorship. This means each animal sponsored is at the event in spirit through a creative sponsorship card.
This is a great way for those SAINTS fans we live far away or can't make the event to contribute to Wishes 4 Whiskers.
Most of our readers are familiar with the process. Click on this link https://tinyurl.com/y5oxot52 and write your FIRST and LAST NAME next to the animal you would like to sponsor
There are 2 Ways to Pay
1. Click on this link https://tinyurl.com/W4W13 Just below the purchasing a ticket box there is a place to enter a donation.(This is our preferred payment option)
2. Mail a check to SAINTS. 33860 Dlugosh Ave. Mission, BC V2V 6B2. Please mark your check with W4W sponsorship on it.
Please email events@saintsrescue.ca if you have any questions. If you have problems accessing the spreadsheet please post your sponsored animal in the comment section and I will fill out the form for you.
The rabbits are on the very far right of the spreadsheet. You have to scroll as far right as you can :)