Rescue Journal

Happy New Year.

Carol  ·  Dec 31, 2019

New Years Eve and I am alone with the animals.
That's how this all started 15 years ago, just me and the very first saints animals.

We did not stay alone for long, others joined us and some like Mo and Sheila are still with us.
And Tang, Tang is still with us. He was with me at the very, very beginning and he too is still here.
AND... he still sprays!

So many lost and wounded souls behind us, so many yet to come.
Each tomorrow becomes a new day...each new day turns into a yesterday.
5475 saints days lived, some with joy, some with sorrow, many with doubts and fear.

and we are still here.

My wish for the New Year and all of the years to come is...
never to forget the animals. each old or wrecked heart has its own song.
They sing for compassion, they sing for respect. They sing for acknowledgement of their value and very existence as unique and worthy beings.
And their songs help us to forge our commitment and courage in our vow to become better people, better humans, better souls, worthy of them.
My wish for SAINTS is to be all that we can possibly be so that in peace and safety the animals can be whoever they happen to be.



Thank you for your passion and courage! Happy New Year to all the Saints souls and those who care for them!

Jo Renee Frost

Thank you for adopting Snowman!!! Please let me know how he is doing! <3 <3 <3



Happy 2020 to all the Saints and all the beautiful, caring people who care for them.

Special thanks for all you do and all you have done Carol, your love and compassion for these Saints is amazing.