We lost Doc yesterday. He was Chewy's best friend and a huge favorite with all of the barn folks.
He came in back in 2012 underweight, stunted, covered in lice. It took a while to build he back up to the beautiful and healthy goat he should always of been.
Doc was not just lovely on the outside, he was so sweet and kind on the inside too. He stoically stood by Chewie and became his best friend even tho Chewie is a total jerk at times.
Chewie is sad and lost without his faithful buddy today. The barn folks are doing the best they can to love him up and let him know they understand.
We are not sure what happened with Doc. We think his age was somewhere between 12-15 yrs. We are awaiting an autopsy report to shed some light on his heartbreaking loss.
Rest in Peace Doc, you were greatly loved and will be greatly missed. Keep an eye out for Chewie, he misses his very good friend.
Sad news - my heart goes out to everyone in the barn who took such good care of Doc ❤️