Rescue Journal


Renee  ·  Feb 27, 2020

I am sure everyone has noticed that Mystic is getting cloudy eyes, these are cataracts brought on by her diabetes. Now our magical mystical puppy would love to regain her sight, so Carol and I made the trek out to New West to the eye specialist to see if she was a candidate for cataract removal surgery (for anyone interested in more information here is a helpful link

After a burger at McDonalds (Mystic insisted), we got going on the tests to determine if she was a candidate. She was not cooperative AT ALL. Mystic flailed like she has never flailed before. In her defense they had to insert small needles (like acupuncture needles) behind her eyes and on the top of her head, she had to wear a plastic contact lens attached to wires, and then have a bright light flashed into her eye while holding absolutely still. After much struggling, that girl is strong, we managed to get the testing done.

She does have some risk as her eyes do not drain 100 percent (higher risk of glaucoma after), but the specialist recommends moving forwards with the surgery. They will let us know our surgery date and we will reclaim our girl’s gorgeous eyes.



Yay! for Mystic...such a special girl. It will be wonderful for her to see with those beautiful eyes well as with her ❤️