Animal Updates


Carol  ·  Oct 19, 2020

Today it is Mystic.

She came in as a palliative puppy 10 years ago and took over our world. Everyone adores her, human and animal, she is the iconic symbol of everything SAINTS.

Recently she became diabetic, then shortly there after became blind. We did the surgery to restore her sight in one eye but the other eye was too badly damaged from glaucoma. We have been having difficulty controlling the pressure in her bad eye, despite several different drops several times a day. Now the vets say due to pain issues the eye has to come out which is sad but she is blind in it anyway.

Recently she has been having back issues, we knew she had arthritis and were giving her pain and anti inflammatory meds, On the bad days we added muscle relaxants and she seemed to be doing ok. Except then they weren't so we sent her back in for xrays. The vets say her arthritis in her spine is terrible and if we can't get her pain from that under control, there is no point in removing her eye. Basically they are saying if there is nothing left to be done then we should euthanize.

I cannot imagine our world without her. I can't imagine the loss we all may face. I know we are supposed to keep hope floating, but sometimes it is just so scary to think that it might sink.

Mystic, Miss Tickles, Magical Mystical....her happy smile, her cheerleading pompom tail...SAINTS puffy white welcome wagon greeter to all she meets.

please don't leave.


Jennie Morrison

So sad to hear that Mystic is so unwell. Thank you Saints for loving her and giving her the wonderful life with everyone. She will let you know when it is time to say goodbye. 💔

Femmie Gibson

We are blessed with the ability to end her pain, something we still can't do with most humans. Take comfort in the wonderful life you gave her that she would have been denied anywhere else

Colin Lake

I remember when she came to Saints. This is almost to hard to read. Please hold on Mystic everyone does indeed need you. xo


I remember reading about her when she was first surrendered to you. I thought what a lucky girl she was to be living with you and all the animals there at SAINTS. 10 years has gone by quickly, and I'm sad to hear that she has declined this way, but remember, she has lived much longer than anticipated, and she's been loved beyond measure. Mystic, dear girl, if your time to leave this life has come, I know you'll be helped on your way by those you love and who love you so very much. You've been a blessing.

shelagh f

I remember when I first started coming to Saints, meeting this crazy, dirty white dog and being covered in dirty dog foot prints. She could always make everyone smile. Tough days ahead

Cathie K

I'm sorry to read about Mystic as I too, have a Diabetic cat with spinal arthritis... Off topic,Would someone please tell me how to get a hold of Sheila kullar as I sent a donation in Sept and haven't heard from her plus all my information (phone/address) seems to be incorrect..... I just want to know if the draft was received... Tthank-You in advance..... Cathie K


This is a sad read. Mystic is such a gift to Saints - her sweetness is like no other ❤️