Animal Updates

SAINTS welcomes Maggie

Carol  ·  Feb 27, 2021

Maggie is a 4 year old French Bulldog who suddenly loss the use of her legs. Her family rushed her into Boundary Bay Emergency Specialty Hospital and it was discovered that she had injured her back. Maggie needed diagnostics, surgery and after care that was going to cost between $12K and $16K. Not only was the cost far beyond the reach of this family but because of their own medical issues, the after care was beyond their abilities too. It was with broken hearts that in order to save Maggie's life and give her a chance to walk again, the family surrendered her to SAINTS.

Maggie had her surgery and the neurologist repaired 3 herniated discs. Unfortunately there was evidence of spinal cord compression so she has a 50% chance of full recovery.

If Maggie makes a full recovery, it will be weeks to months of physiotherapy. In order to prevent repeat injury she can never again climb stairs, jump on or off the couch and her playtime will have to be physically limited. If she doesn't recover and walk again, she will need ongoing parapalegic and physio care. This will include assisting her to empty her bladder, protecting her skin from damage, ensuring she has a well fitting wheelchair. and daily physiotherapy to prevent her muscles from atrophying and her joints from deforming.

These dogs with these injuries are not as simple as operate and fix. There are expensive short and long term decisions, usually without all of the answers that need to be made. Maggie's family loved her dearly but they know their home and family limitations. They have trusted SAINTS to do the very best that can be done for Maggie so that she can lead the very best life possible.

Maggie is still in the ICU, she is 2 days post op. We do not know which journey Maggie will ultimately land on, mobilizing on her own four legs or getting around in a wheelchair, but we do know that we will be there for her, every step of the way.



Beautiful girl! Praying for her speedy recovery! Is there any update of her? Thanks

Carol-Anne and Emmy

We miss our goofy, silly, sassy little sidekick so much, but are comforted in our decision knowing that Maggie is getting the best care possible. Thank you for stepping in and loving her 💓

Thank your for all the laughs and smiles, ridiculous photos, cuddles, and all the tears your soaked up in your fur, Maggie. You are a strong girl and you will pull through this. In our grief, we are relieved that you are in the best of care and will be able to live a full life being spoiled, loved, and bringing joy to whoever you encounter on your journey.

You will forever be in our hearts ♥️


We love you and we will miss you always Mags❤️


You have given Maggie the best chance of a long life. Thank you for allowing her to be with Saints.

Elizabeth Ken

I am so sorry. Maggie is a beautiful girl. SAINTS will do their best for her. Hugs 💕


What a sad story , I hope she recovers and lives her best life! I’m sure there is the perfect forever home for her. A retired couple , no stairs and lots of love.