For our Wishes 4 Whiskers Event we made sure the SAINTS residents presence was felt at our fundraiser. We would like to continue this tradition at our Fraser Valley event Fur N’ Feathers Charity Dinner. Each animal sponsored for $25 is at the event in spirit through a creative sponsorship card.

This is a great way for those SAINTS fans we live far away or can't make the event to contribute. Click on this link
and write your FIRST and LAST NAME next to the animal you would like to sponsor
There are 3 Ways to Pay
1. Click on this link
Just below the purchasing ticket box there is a place to enter a donation.(This is our preferred payment option)
2. Mail a check to SAINTS. 33860 Dlugosh Ave. Mission, BC V2V 6B2. Please mark your check with FNF1 sponsorship on it.
3. Click on this link and in the drop down box write FNF1 card sponsorship

Please email if you have any questions. If you have problems accessing the spreadsheet please post your sponsored animal in the comment section and I will fill out the form for you.
If I’ve an older dog and I’m no longer able to take care of him, will SAINTS able to take him?