
$74,180 Raised!

Sheila  ·  Jun. 19, 2021

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.”
~ Barbara De Angelis

It’s because of the generosity of our community of donors that we can do our work. For this, we thank you and greatly appreciate your support. Every single donation given to The Amazing Raise Campaign added up to an astonishing total of $74,180. We are truly humbled by the generosity of our 412 donors that are a mix of volunteers, long time donors, monthly donors, and new donors who just discovered our work.

Here is how your donations have helped us.

We installed two permanent generators as we can loose power several times in a year. And volunteer Jamie Byrk’s comment upon learning the generators were installed summed up why getting these generators was so awesome. “OMG this is such a big deal. The years of fearing every storm, rain or wind. We always found a work around, the loss of heat, lights, but the loss of water, my word the worst. No drinking water for dogs, cats, and all barn and mp room, you learn quickly the value of full water jugs. No laundry, no clean cleaning buckets, dishes etc. Let's not forget no bath water 😉 . This is just the absolute best!”

Putting in new linoleum in the kitchen and MP Room is in the works. Over 15 years of dogs and cats scratching, urinating, chewing etc takes it toll.

We installed new stall mats in the barn. Dixie and the rest of her roommates are thrilled. We are also getting quotes to paint the feed room.

The rest of the money will go to our ever inflowing veterinarian bills. Here is just an example of the type of medical bills we pay all year around

1. On average the barn guys rack up $5,000 a month
2. Jack Sparrow, or paraplegic chi mix, costed $5,000 when her first came in
3. Maggie the French bulldog, had a $9,000 surgery to repair 3 herniated discs.
4. Banjo, our new resident blue healer mix, had a $4400 bill to treat his degloved pads
5. Cash, a permanent foster, had a severe infection after a cryptorchid neuter had $5,000 vet bill.
6. Our new little Pug mix requires a bladder stone removal at an estimated cost of $3,000
7. And then there is Wang Wang’s expensive monthly medication that will be close to $1,000 per month.
8. Etc, Etc….

Thank you again everyone for your most generous, continued, and vital support. We couldn’t keep our animals safe and happy without your donations.

With gratitude
