My Story

Jack is a little paraplegic Chihuahua who came to us from CARE. He was found as a stray, so we are unsure as to why he became a paraplegic. He is a cryptorchid, estimated to be around 4ish years old but possibly younger. He has seen the specialist at Boundary Bay and unfortunately, he is not fixable. We are hopefully getting him into a wheelchair quickly so he can start having some fun! He seems fine with cats and is good with most other dogs (hates little Charlie for some reason 🤷‍♀️). This little sassy pants can be barky at new people but QUICKLY warms up to them. He likes dragging his beds and toys all around his room, chewing and sucking softly on blankets, but most of all, he likes destuffing his toys and beds!

💜 Sponsored by Renee Korody 💜

💜 Sponsored by Sharon and Rich Tacaks 💜
