UPDATED: Health Update on Sweet Pony Annabelle
Wendy · Mar 1, 2023
March 2nd, 2023
Here is a recent update regarding Annabelle's enucleation and journey home today:
Annabelle’s second enucleation surgery went well! Our girl will be pain free! She was already blind, the removal of the eye is sheer benefit.
After the harrowing ride yesterday morning we were all a bit worried about this afternoon’s return trip. We can happily report than Kevan hauled Annabelle home without incident. Annabelle arrived safe and sound and perfectly calm. Not only was the drive from Abbotsford to our sanctuary stress-free, Kevan swears he had a vehicle running blocker. The RCMP have also commented that they can take action to stop erratic and dangerous driving surrounding his hauler.
Thank you, Agwest Veterinary Group and Wreckless for taking such good care of our Annabelle! Thank you everyone who shared the road today and gave Kevan the space he needed so Anna could get home.

March 1st, 2023
Our beautiful pony, Annabelle, has gone to Agwest Veterinary Group for eye enucleation.
She had her left eye removed last September. At the time, the vets thought her right eye was healthy.
Unfortunately, it has since also developed uveitis and has to come out. This is a very painful condition, it is not manageable with long-term medication.
The always terrific hauler, Kevan Wreckless is Annabelle’s transportation.
Annabelle did not have an easy ride this morning. She is already blind and was scared during her trip. Loud vehicles that tailgate and blow past a rig like Kevan’s are inconsiderate. Please be mindful of vehicles like this. Nobody's drive-thru coffee is as important as the life inside this trailer.
Here’s hoping tomorrow’s ride haul is calmer.

Such great news, now she has another chance
at life after all she went thru, made me cry.
Thank you for all your great work.