We have only two days (June 18 11:59 PM) left before THE Amazing Raise 2021 ends. It seemed like an appropriate time to look back at 5 past events and give an update on our past Captains. While doing a follow up on the ex captains it was interesting to note they are indeed a reflection of the outcomes for the rest of the saints residents.
- 4 of 18 received a forever home (and 2 of those 4 were lucky enough to pass away in there forever home)
- Additionally another 6 passed away at SAINTS
- 8 are living at SAINTS
2016 Captains
- Maybel has a complicated after story. She arrived at SAINTS in 2014 and was adopted out in 2017 where she went to live with Beanie and Chewie who along with Maybel arrived at SAINTS the fall of 2020.
- Cassie came to SAINTS in 2015. She was adopted out to a valued volunteer in May of 2016 and passed away in 2018.
- John Doe (Johnny) arrived in April 2016 and was adopted out to another valued volunteer. He passed away October 2020.

2017 Captains
- Bill came to SAINTS March of 2017 and unfortunately passed a few weeks later in April.
- Geezer came to SAINTS April 2014 and passed away at the end of April 2017.
- Ella arrived at SAINTS in 2017 and 4 years later is 13 years old and living at SAINTS.

2018 Captains ( 2017 fundraiser allowed us to build a separate area for the bunnies in the area we calll The Shop. 2018 we added a 4th Team)
- Minnie came to SAINTS January 2018 and found a forever home with another dedicated volunteer family in August 2019.
- Raven arrived at SAINTS June 2012 and passed away in December 2019.
- Zoe came to SAINTS Dec 2017 and passed away last August 2020
- Lilo became a SAINT in May 2017 and unfortunately passed away at a young age in August 2019.

2019 Captains
- Steele arrived at SAINTS April 2014 and is still resident today.
- Chewey is one of the residents who lived a very long time at SAINTS. He came in 2010 and still makes SAINTS his home.
- Stella came to SAINTS August of 2017 and passed away April 2020.
- Fancy arrived at SAINTS September 2017 and is still living at the sanctuary.

2020 Captains
- Logan came to SAINTS in 2014 and is still living at SAINTS
- Snowman arrive December 2019 and 16 years of age still lives at the sanctuary.
- Mad Max arrived at SAINTS August 2018 and waited two years to find his forever home.
- Mia came to SAINTS January 2018 and is patiently waiting for a home at SAINTS.
Below are the links to click on to donate to your favourite team.
Team Barn https://fundrazr.com/21oN69?re...
Team House https://fundrazr.com/c1oN74?re...
Team MP Room https://fundrazr.com/31oNA1?re...
Team Shop https://fundrazr.com/c1oNEc?re...