Sun run 2025!
every animal has a story that they need to tell us. its not where they came from or the good or bad things that happened to them. it's who they are now and…
we all have this birds eye view of rescue..seen from our own perspective, defined by our own experiences and we can be myopic to much of big picture in rescue…
power went back off yesterday briefly but is back on all day today. shyla had her spay surgery..good thing too she was just starting a uterine infection...whew…
She came to us last July from North West Animal Shelter. Amber had kidney disease, and today we discovered just how far it had progressed. Our vet agreed, it…
oh freaking yay. it will come back on...some day? hope
but so far due to our amazing staff and volunteers we are managing. still no power, today was the first day of internet and cell phone service. we have a…
Some shots and an adorable video compliments of KO D2807282-EFD9-4F01-8764-0E5DE8DF1E75
The internet and Carol's cellphone are not working so communication from afar is limited.
SAINTS said goodbye to Lego today. She was only with us for a few months. Lego's kidneys and liver were failing, making her feel terrible, and her arthritis…
honestly..i had 3 kids and i adore babies! shyla has had 3 litters and yet she was really mean to our new pup. on a maternal instinct basis, shyla freaking…
the shop has a new toilet..this one is push button so no more broken handle things running water constantly and flooding the septic system...yay! and saints…
i am working tomorrow and then having dinner with my family so i figured i better write this now while i have time. the holidays are such a great time of…