Sun run 2025!
soooo very happy to come home to a porta potty parked at the front gate (thank you ann!!)...all of the bathrooms now have frozen pipes. oh freaking yay, jiffy…
what we are told as children, shapes the adults we become... there once was a little girl who had a curl right in the middle of her forehead and when she was…
i am cold and i am tired. the dogs were upset last night with the windstorm and upset dogs are not conducive to human sleep. three of our cats went out on…
if you can strip away all of the feelings of stress, of frustration, of bewilderment, of anger, resentment and wishful thinking.... if you can strip away all…
ruby came back today from her adoptive home trial..not in any way her fault. her new much larger sibling brother was bullying her and it wasn't fair for her to…
there reaches a point in life and rescue where sometimes you just gotta go with the flow. i find that is especially true in times of stress when it feels like…
and heartbreak hotel. ahh rescue...happy tears/sad tears all in one. ruby went off to her new fabulous home a few days ago..she is doing really well. she was…
honestly..we are so freaking lucky..our animals have the best of the best on their team of wrecked animal caregivers! i am telling you, it blows me away. i…
ferfuckssakes! oh yay, it snowed..a lot! KO can't get off her street and is trying to walk here because who the hell knows how many folks will actually make it…
i thought i would introduce you to each of our staff and a little about what they actually do... (by seniority) Renee has been here forever...going on almost…
for not blogging..i am working, my car is still stressing me left me stranded 20 miles from home last night...thank god for friends, staff and family…
i think the holidays are a time when we all remember the dreams of our childhood. the perfectly appointed decorations, the fire burning warmly in the hearth…