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Submitted by volunteer Alyson So Many Souls
Wow thanks everyone for sponsoring aLL the animals. You made it easy for me. Now I just need 1 silent auction items 2 All tables sponsored 3 tickets need to…
Sorry it isn't neatly typed out but it is very hard to get an excel spreadsheet to properly copy over. If I have a chance I will retype neater tomorrow. I have…
Every year we try to incorporate the animals into our fundraiser and so we have the animal sponsorships. Whichever animal gets a sponsor for $25 gets to…
oreo is an ass. he is seriously looking like a homeless ragamuffin..his coat dirty, overgrown and unkempt. i don't even know if he can currently see anything…
both decca and laddie came in here in terrible shape. both severely dehydrated, emaciated from end stage renal disease. laddie is still with us, sadly decca is…
sometimes life is. i saw a photo of decca from early june, she looked almost fat. seven weeks later, 4 days of intensive treatment and $2500.00 after we met…
decca is home..still quite dry, her skin is still tenting when pinched but she is drinking... just not too keen on eating yet. she is currently wrapped up in…
when it comes to being involved in animal rescue, it is important to realize there will be differing opinions about pretty much everything…
lots of medical stuff happening with our saints today... new sweetie pie decca is still hooked up to IV's over at the emergency clinic. we haven't met her yet…
my dad once said.."i think those woman who devote their lives and everything they have to helping animals, have a big hole they are trying to fill." at the…
tonight we came close but luck was with us. the staff left at 5:15 after checking that everyone was settled and ok. i got home at 6:15 and made several really…