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shelby passed peacefully away. we were lucky our vet was able to come and help her pass from home. she died out on her porch on her very soft bed, it was a…
we are not done yet. shelby while slightly rallying after her last crises is back into the slow down hill slide. we are watching and waiting until she says it…
daisy was euthanized today. she wasn't unexpected, she has been doing the downward slide for months. yesterday she wouldn't eat anything except for tim bits…
i think i woke up so early because allie was so deep in my head. the unexpected loss of her, the way it happened, a single vomit and then a dead dog?..lots of…
i woke up at 5..that kind of sucks but oh well. the kitchen feels achingly empty this morning. even daisy hasn't gotten up and pooped everywhere. first time i…
she vomited once at about 3 am...i stroked her sweet face, kissed her head and told her i was sorry her tummy was upset. and then i stepped over her and went…
i guess if we were normal and did think like everyone else...we probably wouldn't be doing rescue. ahhh.... the proverbial two edged sword. due to kennel cough…
Yard Sale cancelled for June 11. Will re-schedule after Open House. I will just put out a few items today but the weather is just too iffy to haul out…
we aren't normal. we don't think like the majority of even animal loving people let alone non animal loving folks. and it's not that we're broken or crazy…
Title says it all. Hopefully Helga can come in later today and state if she for sure is cancelling.
chicklet is ok kyah is home from the vets in a cone mah is ok mah's babies are back....some not so nice trouble with the neighbors over having sheep so not…