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For those that want to give a little extra or cannot attend the event but would like to help out. You can sponsor a table. We have 18 tables sponsored and…
new dog in..her name is brooklyn and she is a mess....bad skin, bad eyes and bad ears...really bad is what i see tonight. renee got her a vet appointment for…
i have been trying to wrap my head around no longer "owning" saints. it is a bit of an adjustment and don't get me wrong..i truly believe it is a good AND the…
we lost lucy this week to liver disease. we struggled with making the decision but the bottom line was she wasnt getting better with the IV's and meds. the…
Every year we make sure the SAINTS residents presence is felt at our fundraiser. And one way is to have people sponsor the animals. Every year we have…
a little bit of a tough day for me today..part of me sad, part of me glad...honestly, this life can so easily conflict you! today i signed the final papers…
we have lost both cuddles and arnold this week and sweet little chickie last week. chickie wasn't doing well, erin took her into the vets and it was discovered…
Oakley was a beautiful 3 legged transfer from DCAS who was lucky enough to find herself in the loving care of barn volunteer Wade and his wife Diane. Some…
the one thing i have learned in rescue is to be at least somewhat flexible..on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the death of zander and one being some human…
Over the last several years our vet bills have hit $200,000. What this means is we need to come up with new and exciting ways to fundraise during the months we…
i think about stuff. today i was thinking about when Mah arrived, pregnant with her udder bag dragging upon the floor. I remember Arnie sleeping up in the…
Back in January of this year I wrote about some emaciated pigs we helped herd off of Lougheed Hwy that were taken in by Animal Control as strays and how we…