Sun run 2025!
i think about stuff. today i was thinking about when Mah arrived, pregnant with her udder bag dragging upon the floor. I remember Arnie sleeping up in the…
Back in January of this year I wrote about some emaciated pigs we helped herd off of Lougheed Hwy that were taken in by Animal Control as strays and how we…
Bear came to SAINTS back in May 2017. He was a SPCA cruelty seizure due to medical neglect. He had hypothyroidism and diabetes and had already lost most of his…
omg this room is empty..when you guys see it, it will break your heart. zander was here and now he is not and that fucking sucks. but it is what it is and it…
The past few months have been a challenge for him as he became more and more frustrated by the increasing levels of care that he needed. This past week was…
so ali sent me a note reminding me i haven't blogged in a while. there are a couple of reasons for is super crazy busy and i am totally mentally…
Noni update! Look at her go! What a remarkable, resilient little girl! Thank you Agwest Veterinary Group and Dr. Potvin, we could not have gotten this far…
the vets came out to see noni..she had another long term antibiotic injection and her repeat ivermectin injection (for her mange.) they were pretty impressed…
Lovely Maggie only came to SAINTS a week ago. She was transferred from Surrey Animal Resource Centre. We all knew she was palliative. We knew she had an…
i am starting to come out of my "the dogs are driving me crazy" funk. occasionally the daily chaos around here drives me insane..add that to ben's bowel…
Noni is doing ok, but I am worried because when she is not eating.... she is just sleeping. She is still pretty sick so I hope this is ok. I woke her up and…
most people don't know that the skin is the largest organ in the body...yes it is an actual organ. that is why a generalized deep skin infection is so…