Sun run 2025!
zanders tail tumor has broken open, he has a quality of life assessment with our vets this week. he is an elderly, blind, diabetic and is a poor surgical risk…
would you adopt a cat that poops in the kitchen sink? No? that's exactly what i told patches!!! she doesn't care. so now i am bleaching it out again for…
haha! my christmas shopping is done. yay! i did not finish all my pre-ordained chores today...i got sidetracked by a quick trip out to the cottage to check in…
The Busy Body Boss stuck me back in a cage! She said I don't look well and wants me "monitered." If I didn't feel so crappy, I'd like to "moniter" her! This…
Dora came to SAINTS back in the spring of 2015, from Northern Animal Rescue Alliance. She moved in with Shelagh a short time later, and has been queen of the…
sheila came and helped me get a supply of donations ready to send up to the northern rescues and shelters. tis the season to be sharing the blessings we have…
i was given a wee bit of a hint today that i need to amp up my blogging frequency. since it was the volunteers and since they work so hard here, i will try to…
we have a bunch of projects on the go and none of them are completed. so my goal this week off from work is to get some of them done and out of the way. i…
I have been keeping a low profile. The humans said my test was negative, so I guess I failed it but they let me out of that cage anyway. Not all of the cats…
vern just left for the night, he will be back tomorrow to finish up. we took that half wire wall in the mp and re-did it to reach the ceiling and poof..ella…
Tomorrow is #GivingTuesdayCA. Please give generously to a cause you feel passionate about. Or even better sign up to be a volunteer for your favorite charity…
Betsy, one of our bantam chickens, has sadly passed away. Betsy, Penny and Arnold came to Saints back in September, needing a new home as their farm was…