Sun run 2025!
The weatherman is predicting snow again this year. A tractor/plow would help us immensely if that snow shows up. And we can use it throughout the year. We…
Except it wasn't a "test"...they lied! I was taken to an unknown location and scurried into a back room where i was restrained while a needle was stuck into my…
saints welcomes... Aura..a beautiful senior ragdoll cat with health issues whose elderly owner was no longer able to care for and ended up living in the…
he has had a long battle with cancer and the cancer finally won. he was such a funny little dog, completely loving the folks that he loved and biting anyone…
we suck at fish rescue.
they are tiny feeder goldfish. walter showed up as a special treat for donny the turtle, but erin was able to scoop him out before donny ate him! we zipped…
He is a 13 yr old black beauty with a bad habit of spraying. he is currently hanging out in a transition cage and is bored so i said he could have his own blog…
Hi my name is Godderick but the folks are here just call me "God" for short. Hehe, it's one step up from a mere Saint! I am a homeless cat and I am an older…
he was an elderly llama with end stage kidney disease but he was so much more than that. he was one of saints original icons, one of the handful of magical…
sunny passed peacefully away today after a long battle with lymphoma. he was one of the very original saints who started on this journey with me more than a…
if you were in a car accident and paralysed from the waist down, what would you be willing to do for the chance to walk again? to be able to go to the bathroom…
lizzy the new little feral kitten finally ate last night. that is a relief. she is a tiny little hissing spitfire, brave little soul to fend off someone as big…